Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TvT)-Dogs don’t wear contraceptives

Imagine a tumor that can be transmitted by touch. For dogs, this is not a matter of imagination; the Transmissible Venereal Tumor has been described since 1876 and is commonly found on both male and female dogs. Transmission is by simple physical contact between an existing tumor on one dog and abraded skin on another. It is most commonly spread during mating but can also be spread during routine sniffing or other contact. In most cases, tumor growth is found on the genitals but it can also just as easily emerge on noses, mouths, anal areas, and other anatomical sites.
The Transmissible Venereal Tumor, affectionately known as the TVT, may be visible as an external fleshy growth or may simply present as genital bleeding (eventually the tumor will become eroded on the surface and bleed). The tumor is common where there are large numbers of roaming dogs or in shelter situations. In most cases the tumor is not malignant and simply grows and bleeds at a local site eventually being rejected by the patient’s immune system; however, if the patient is immune-suppressed due to very young age or poor general health then the tumor can indeed spread in a cancerous fashion. Because there is potential for tumor spread within the body, treatment is recommended to regress the tumor rather than simply waiting it out.
Strangely, the tumor cells are not the patient’s own cells transformed into cancer cells. This is not a matter of a virus being transmitted which causes normal cells to become cancerous. The TVT is actually a tumor that grafts itself from one dog's body onto another dog's body. Unlike the host's normal cells, TVT cells have a completely different number of chromosomes do not at all originate from the host. Developing a TVT might analogous to getting bitten by a mosquito and the few mosquito cells left behind actually trying to grow a new mosquito on one’s body.

tvt cells
In this cell sample, the small round cells are red blood cells. The large blue-purple cells are TVT cells.
Diagnosis is made either by biopsy (taking a small piece of tumor tissue for analysis) or by cytology (obtaining a smear of the tumor’s cells and looking at it under a microscope as shown above). The tumor is classified as a “Round Cell Tumor” and is related to more malignant Round cell tumors such as the Mast Cell Tumor and Lymphoma.
Treatment of the Transmissible Venereal Tumor is straightforward and generally very rewarding:
    Surgery is not as effective as one would expect. In one study of 70 dogs, 22% had recurrence within 5 months. If a tumor is surgically removed and found to be a Transmissible Veneral Tumor, one of the other treatment methods should ensue.
    Vincristine is a chemotherapy agent which must be delivered intravenously. Special IV catheters or butterfly units are placed to deliver the drug as any spillage of the drug into the tissue surrounding the vein results in a painful tissue slough (i.e. a chemical burn occurs). This, however, is the only serious risk in this treatment and as long as proper IV materials are used this complication is rare. The TVT responds after only one treatment or two but generally 3-6 weekly treatments are administered to ensure a cure.
    Doxorubicin, also called Adriamycin, is another chemotherapy agent that must be given intravenously. It is a bit more intensive in its chemotherapeutic properties compared to vincristine but if vincristine is ineffective or yields only partial results, doxorubicin may be used to complete therapy.
    External beam radiation is very effective in curing the TVT but is very expensive and not readily available. If one is near a facility, however, this may be a good option.
Fanny Mae 1
"Fanny Mae" looks to be about
10 years old and lives behind the Thong Sala market in Thailand. Her sweet nature has managed to earn her enough food to survive this long, but the tumor growing from her vagina would eventually take her life if left untreated.

Fanny Mae 2
These pictures indicate
decrease in mass after only
2 treatments of Vincristine
Fannie Mae was cared for by a special group called
PhaNgan Animal Care.
For more information on
their work visit:
web site

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